Voice Over Service with Foreign Language Option

Articles, which are seen as indispensable for web projects, SEO studies is essential for. Especially if you have a company, team or project operating in the IT and Media sector, you should be very meticulous about the criteria of the articles.
Among the standard criteria Your Meta Tags to be correct, H Tag and HTML Tag We can already guess that you are sensitive about your issues. Articles with a minimum of 350 words are one of the most important factors in search engine studies in order to satisfy the analysis bot activities and present content from Google and other search engines.
So, do you want your projects to not only consist of articles, but also appeal to users with voice and sound? Then our Voice Over Service will be exactly what you are looking for.
In the existing infrastructure, two different accents (mainly English)British and American), German, French, Italian options are also available in our voice-over service. So what will these services do for you? In other words, you may think why people will see this service and turn to you or why they will need this service. Let's examine it pen and pencil together.
Voice Over Service for YouTube Videos
First of all, it would not be possible if we did not talk about the Youtube platform. Many projects are no longer publishing articles altogether, and are trying to combine the power of our uncle Google and the Youtube platform, strengthening their hand and trying to offer rich results in every way in the rankings.
At the same time, the chance of acquiring audio and video equipment is very low for the content producer who produces every Youtube project. Cost-effective options will never solve your problem, you can not get rid of the amateur feeling. The time problem that will accompany this will bring along the processes of arranging your recordings, turning them into videos and most importantly, applying the sound arrangement techniques called Mixing so that you can get a smooth sound output. Time, cost, effort... In short, it is a very burdensome situation, although it sounds easy, unfortunately it is not like that.
However Voice Over Service When you purchase, you will receive the ready-made text for your Youtube Videos, and you will have the chance to have this text read easily and quickly in the language, accent, speed and tone you want, just like you can read the subtitles. Luckily, we also have Video Editing and Production Service, so you send your video and text and we can turn it into a ready-to-air video.
As an example text-to-speech service, we add English and Turkish audio files here, it will be enough to spare 5-10 seconds and listen.
The voiceover sample is added as an example for you as a female voice with an American English reading habit.
Sounds of English, has some good explanations for pronouncing specific words. But good English pronunciation, is much more than just having the right accent. English, American Accent, Female
As you can easily hear, voice-over products are far from being robotic, let alone being a software product, they meet us as a very enjoyable human voice-over product.
Voice Over Service for Product Presentations and Digital Products
There has definitely been a mandatory presentation experience that we all have in many project presentations, where we have to talk while any slide show is open on the screen. If you are going to utter important sentences in a serious position, especially in an environment where there are official assignments or dialogues, only you will know the effort you spent before, during and after the presentation.
In order to save you from this torture, you can give audio support to the presentation with a professional recording in your product presentations, and you can act in a very prestigious position by simply answering your presentation in the question and answer section.
On the other hand, for your Digital Products such as product promotion videos, logo intros, product presentations or short commercials. Our Voice Over Service Again, it can make a very professional difference to you. As an example of a cosmetics company, review our text, then listen.
Margarit, one of the world's leading beauty brands, since 1886; It adds beauty to the lives of millions of women. Turkish, Male Voice
Margarit wants women to be present in all areas of life, and supports women to choose different professions. Turkish, Female Voice.
Voice Over Service for Audio Articles and Audio Book Readings
Do not think of our Voice Over Service as just short-term 2-3 minute readings.
We can also provide voice-over services for thousands of pages of audio books, novels, stories, interviews and meeting texts. In this way, you can use it much faster and more efficiently in the web environment, and you can take advantage of your download/upload processes. In the same way, you can decorate your texts with foreign language alternatives and increase the quality with voice options in different languages.
Ready Dialogues, Secretary Messages, Corporate Response Systems Voice Over Service
If we say what we experience when we try to connect to a customer service representative; We think that we have already enlivened our title too much in your mind.
You can also use our Voice Over Service for ready-made welcome messages, routing dialogs, corporate response systems and operator information text readings. In addition, if we consider that the KVKK application will come into force as of December 1, 2020, we have high expectations that many companies will try to quickly find solutions for reading texts in Turkish and English.
In which languages and options can you get voice-over services?
For our system, we are currently able to provide healthy and efficient service in two main languages, English and Turkish.
For English, we can provide services with at least two different alternatives for each gender, together with English and American accent selections, in Male and Female language selections.
So you can choose between male or female speaking British English, or you can choose both genders for American English.
Let's add sample voiceover videos, you decide again.
Margarit Web Information Services
Address: Neva Home Offices, 1455. Street, 22/41 Yenimahalle / Ankara
Phone: +90 850 305 25 95
Phone: +90 312 394 62 02
Web: https://www.margarit.com.tr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/margaritbilisim
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/margaritbilisim
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/margaritbilisim
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/margaritbilisim
margarit #margaritread #margaritinformatics #margaritdesign #promotionalfilm #promotionalvideo #aftereffects #voicing 1TP4English voiceover #rhythmicvoiceover #margaritdesign #voicingTP4TvoicingTP4TannouncementTP4Tlanguage4TannoyingTP4TvoicingTP4TannouncementTP4Tangling